Buchanan, according to a new fund-raising website, is a "Rickpublican," signifying that he is too much like Gov. Rick Scott.
Here's the precise definition:
[rick-puhb-li-kuh´n] noun 1. Proper name for Florida Republicans wrought with greed and corruption who are hell-bent on selling out to the corporations and special interests while leaving Florida’s middle class families out-to-dry.As for why Buchanan is a Rickpublican, the Democrats compile previous claims against the congressman:
Just like Gov. Scott, who was at the helm of a company who received the single largest fine for Medicare fraud in history, this former used car salesman is no stranger to criminal activity. Congressman Vern Buchanan – who is currently under investigation by the feds - has made CREW’s Most Corrupt list not once, but a remarkable three times for his shady, ethically-challenged dealings.
yep sounds like Rick Scott